Create new case


Choose how you would like to report

You can choose to report confidentially. Your identity will only be known to those who handle your case in confidence, and your identity will appear anonymous and confidential to others in case processing.

Your identity will not be disclosed to others within the organization without your agreement hereto. Your agreement to openness about your identity will only be requested if it is necessary for the internal case processing.

When you use the whistleblower system confidentially, your case and you will be registered, which means that you can document any right to protection under the whistleblower legislation from the first contact made.

It is always recommended to use the confidential reporting option, as it provides the best possible case processing and ensures you the best possible protection.

You can choose to report anonymously if you prefer not to provide your identity to anyone in the process.

When reporting anonymously, it may become difficult for you at a later date to invoke protection under the whistleblower legislation.

If you choose to report anonymously, you should make sure you do not leave any electronic traces in the process. Check the files you upload for meta-data and don't use this system through an employer-provided PC or mobile phone. That way you will have the best possible protection as an anonymous whistleblower.

It is recommended to report confidentially as it ensures you the best possible protection.



Name (Optional)

Email (Optional)

Phone number (Optional)


The following system administrators will be responsible for handling your report:

CEO Hung, Le Xuan


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