Another new ASME caisson (water treatment equipment), with a traditional partner in the States, was successfully manufactured and delivered at our own jetty (USA destination).
These longest (36 meters) catwalk machines (over 82 tons) have been successfully manufactured and functionally tested.
A lot of pipe spools at 50 tons for Ghana market was packed and delivered sucessfully.
Following the sucessful delivery of the first batch to Dubai for a closed client, Alpha ECC once again got order for this type of high pressure piping product.
A new three-sets of bulk system (Bulk tanks, Dust cyclones and Surge tank) was successfully delivered for a regular client’s project in Caspian Sea (BP Ace).
Total 314 ton of these compact modules (ASME IX, AWS D1.1, ISPM-15) were successfully completed and delivered at our own jetty to the plant site in USA.